233 Miller Road Rochester, PA 15074 | 724-774-7822 | info@newsewickley.com
Home / Our Government / Engineer




          Kevin Brett
          Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc.
          846 Fourth Avenue
          Coraopolis, PA15108          

The Board of Supervisors may appoint and determine the compensation of a Township Engineer who shall be a registered professional engineer.  The Township Engineer serves at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors.

The Township Engineer shall perform duties as the board of supervisors may direct for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of streets, roads, pavements, sanitary sewers, bridges, culverts and other engineering work.  The Township Engineer shall prepare plans, specifications and estimates of the work undertaken by the Township and furnish the Board of Supervisors with reports, information or estimates on any Township Engineering work or on questions submitted by the Board of Supervisors.









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