233 Miller Road Rochester, PA 15074 | 724-774-7822 | info@newsewickley.com
Home / Community / Pre-Schools

Prince of Peace Christian Preschool
60 Rochester Road
Freedom, PA   15042

Prince of Peace Preschool began in 1976 and continues to serve the community by providing a Christ centered education for three and four year olds.  The school is regulated by the Eastern District of the Missouri Synod and is associated with P.A.L.S. (Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools).   P.A.L.S., through generous donations, allows us to offer scholarships to families who need financial assistance.

Three year old Program

The children strive to achieve recognition of colors and shapes, mastering the use of scissors, paste, coloring and paints, name recognition, and singing.  This class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Four year old Program

The children practice pencil writing, letter and number writing, printing their names in upper and lower cases, learning their telephone number, address and concept words, and singing.  This class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

E-mail: Preschool@PrinceOfPeaceFreedom.com

Visits: 7880