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Comprehensive Plan
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Pictures of our Township 006A comprehensive plan is a document that is designed to state basic policies and to guide future growth and development of the community.  It carries no weight of law, but it can assist decision makers.  It contains no rules or regulations, but it services as a basis for any land use provisions enacted by New Sewickley Township.  It is broad in scope, examining the physical, social and economic characteristics that mesh to make New Sewickley Township what it is today, but it seeks to apply this knowledge to the future.  It speaks to various issues in general terms, but it can also make specific recommendations.  Basically the comprehensive plan is, in part, a factual report that examines how the past has led to the present, as well as a report that can be used to chart the community’s path into the future.

The comprehensive plan is an official statement setting forth basic policies concerning physical development and social and economic goals.  It is typically of a general nature, with both short-term and long-range goals in its recommendations, and considers all factors affecting growth and development.  While some view its function as a general guide or framework for the future growth and development of a municipality, the use of specific proposals have more utility.  The comprehensive plan has several uses:

    • Policy Determination: the plan aids in the consideration and evaluation of alternatives for general, short-term and long range development policies.
    • Policy Effectuation: the plan lends guidance to specific and immediate programs and problem areas.
    • Communication: the plan informs individuals of the present and future growth and development policies of the participating communities.
    • Conveyance of advice to the Board of Supervisors.
  • Education: the plan helps everyone who uses it to understand the conditions, problems and opportunities of the community by providing factual information.

To Read the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Update, Click on the Link Below

2023 NST Comp Plan Update – link

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