233 Miller Road Rochester, PA 15074 | 724-774-7822 | info@newsewickley.com

New Sewickley Township, Beaver County, is seeking proposals to provide grass-cutting and additional maintenance at three township cemeteries.  Contact the township secretary at 724-774-7822 or email secretary@newsewickley.com with questions.

  Proposals will be accepted until March 25, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.



New Sewickley Township is seeking proposals to provide work at three township cemeteries:

  • Provide all labor and equipment necessary
  • One grass cutting the last week of the following months: April, May, June, July, August, and September
  • Tree trimming – pole saw high with a four-foot apron at the property line and shrub trimmings during grass cutting in April and July
  • Remove all weeds, refuse, and debris

United Brethren Cemetery

Freedom Crider Road (parcel #69-165-0148-000)

Bethel Cemetery aka Steel Cemetery

Lovi Road (parcel #69-165-0176-000)

Oakland U.P. Cemetery, aka Boggs Cemetery

1240 Reno Street Extension, Rochester


*Proposals will be accepted until March 25, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.

The construction occurring on Route 989, Rochester, and Klein Roads is an Energy Transfer project.  The following link will provide additional information.  As always, contact the township office at 724-774-7822 if you have questions or concerns.  Thank you. 

Energy Transfer Project


Please click on the following link for additional information.


Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program | Department of Revenue | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Beaver County Conservation District News

*Beaver County farmers are invited to take a short survey to help the Conservation District provide better service to our farming community. This brief survey will ask some basic questions to help the District understand the needs of the farm community. Please take this survey and pass along the link to other farmers in Beaver County.


Jordan Tax Services Will Now Collect MS4 Fees

MS4 Fees will now be mailed and collected by Jordan Tax Services.  The bills will be mailed on March 1st.  

If you have not paid your 2021 or 2022 fees, those will be collected by Jordan Tax Services, please follow the instructions on the invoice.

If you have any questions regarding your MS4 fee or bill, please contact either the Municipal Office at 724-774-7822 or Jordan Tax Services at 412-835-5243. 

The New Sewickley Tax Collector will no longer be able to assist you with MS4 fees.  Thank  you.

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The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Beaver County and our region, would like your feedback on prioritizing congestion management strategies for the corridors within Beaver County.

Congestion Management Process Survey Beaver County, Pennsylvania (surveymonkey.com)

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The Township Administration Offices, Tax Office, and Municipal Authority Office has been closed to the public due to a possible COVID-19 Exposure. The office can be reached via telephone at 724-774-7822. Non-cash payments for taxes, water, and sewer can be dropped in the lock box in front of the Road Department Garage.